Next SEARS Launch is December 3, 2022!

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for December 3, 2022! If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 5 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST and will wrap up at 4:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Want to receive launch updates by email? Join our searsrocketry group on!

Next SEARS Launch is November 5, 2022!

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for November 5, 2022! If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 5 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST and will wrap up at 5:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Want to receive launch updates by email? Join our searsrocketry group on!

Next SEARS Launch is October 1, 2022!

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for October 1, 2022! If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 5 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST and will wrap up at 5:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Want to receive launch updates by email? Join our searsrocketry group on!

Next SEARS Launch is September 17, 2022!

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for September 17, 2022! If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 5 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST and will wrap up at 5:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Next SEARS Launch is September 10, 2022!

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for September 10, 2021! If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 5 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone me safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST and will wrap up at 5:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Next SEARS Launch is June 5 & 6, 2021!

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for June 5 & 6, 2021! This will be a two day launch, Saturday and Sunday. We will be following social distancing guidelines and encourage each group of flyers to stick with together. While we should be able to maintain social distancing, we still ask that all attendees bring a mask. We will have some disposable masks if you forget, but it really helps the club if you can bring your own. We will have a hand sanitation station and we will be cleaning and sanitizing common surfaces throughout the day. If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 14 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone me safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST Saturday and 9:30 am CST Sunday and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST Saturday and 10 am CST Sunday. Each day will wrap up at 5:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Upcoming Launches:

  • 5 & 6 June 2021
  • 11 September 2021
  • 2 October 2021
  • 6 November 2021
  • 4 December 2021

Next SEARS Launch is February 6, 2021

The next SEARS launch is scheduled for February 6, 2021! We will be following social distancing guidelines and encourage each group of flyers to stick with together. While we should be able to maintain social distancing, we still ask that all attendees bring a mask. We will have some disposable masks if you forget, but it really helps the club if you can bring your own. We will have a hand sanitization station and we will be cleaning and sanitizing common surfaces throughout the day. If you or anyone in your party or home are sick or have experienced COVID like symptoms in the last 14 days, please stay home this weekend and join us for the next launch instead! Our main goal is to keep everyone me safe while enjoying a day of rockets!

Observers, beginners, youth, scouts, and families are all invited to attend. Bring the rockets, and the club will supply the launch equipment. Setup will begin at 8:30 am CST and the launch will kick off at 9:00 am CST. The day will wrap up at 4:00 pm CST. There is a range fee of $10 per carload of flyers. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, and water. Feel free to bring chairs and a tent/umbrella.

Use the map at this link ( ) or put Sod Road Samson AL into the GPS to find the launch site.

Here are directions to Launch Site from the intersection of AL 52 and AL 87 in downtown Samson, AL. Go west on AL 52 9/10 miles and turn right onto County 17, Go 8/10 miles on County 17; (with a cemetery on the right), turn left onto a wide graded dirt road. You will come to a short paved section and at 4/10 miles onto this road turn left at the SEARS rocket sign. Continue on one lane dirt road past the sod farm offices into the middle of the field. Stay on the road and observe the signs.

Chris Short of Chris’ Rocket Supplies is our on-site vendor. See

Upcoming Launches

February 6, 2021

March 6, 2021

April 3, 2021

May 1, 2021